
International Arena

Promoting the Kingdom's global leadership

The Commission works to achieve its overall strategic objective of developing and protecting the interests of the Kingdom and enhancing its regional and international standing in the areas related to communications, space and technology.

Digital Regulator


The Kingdom ranked first in the Digital Regulatory Maturity Index

The Commission's tasks are based on the following main areas:

  • To Strengthen the Kingdom's position in the relevant international and regional organizations

  • Utilize the expertise and experiences of communications, space and technology regulators in different countries in order to obtain relevant best practices

  • Highlight the efforts and achievements of the Kingdom in the communications, space and technology sector

  • To promote the Kingdom's leading representation in international activities

Agreements and Treaties

Recognizing the importance of diversifying its efforts on the international stage and working to continuously build strategic partnerships with regional and international entities to develop and protect the Kingdom's interests and enhance its international standing, the Authority has strengthened its strategic partnership with local and international entities to advance international relations in the fields of telecommunications, space, and technology.



The Commission is working with the relevant international counterparts with the aim of increasing cooperation and exchanging information and experiences. In this context, the Commission is keen to strengthen the Kingdom's influential presence in a number of regional and international organizations related to the ICT sector. The Kingdom holds several posts as President or Vice-Chair at several conferences of regional and international organizations, meetings and working groups. The Kingdom also made many contributions to those organizations. The most prominent of these organizations:

Highlight memberships and positions

convenes every four years and sets the strategy for the next ITU-T study period. The Association is preceded by a number of regional preparatory meetings for the six regions of the ITU with a view to the early and good preparation of WTSA. Saudi Arabia plays a leading role in the WTSA work; it holds leadership positions in several committees. The Kingdom received many appreciation letters. The most recent was the letter of the Director of the ITU Standardization Sector Office, in which he commended the efforts of the Kingdom's delegation and its diplomacy, which led to positive results.
World Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

The ITU Council Working Group on the Strategic and Financial Plan (CWG-SFP) is part of the structure of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This group focuses on developing and reviewing the ITU's strategic and financial plans, providing recommendations to the ITU Council on strategic and financial planning, including the preparation of quadrennial plans that define the Union's objectives and priorities for upcoming periods. The group is chaired by Mr. Mansour Al-Qurashi from Saudi Arabia, and its membership is open to Member States and Sector Members of the ITU.
ITU Council Working Group on Strategic and Financial Plans

According to the ITU Constitution (CS 84A) and Convention (CV 160A-160H), the Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG) is tasked to:

  • Review the priorities and strategies adopted in the Sector;
  • Provide guidance for the work of the Study Groups;
  • Recommend measures to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations and with the other ITU Sectors.

The RAG provides advice on these matters to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau. Radiocommunication Assemblies may refer specific matters within its competence to RAG (CV 137A). The matters assigned to RAG by RA-03 are specified in Resolution ITU-R 52-1.

The RAG Chair was elected by the Radiocommunication Assembly.

ITU Radiocommunication Advisory Group

The conference is held every four years, and defines the future strategies and objectives of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector. The conference publishes a declaration, which includes regional initiatives, new resolutions and recommendations, and their review to support the achievement of sector objectives and new issues for consideration by the Development Sector study groups.
Vice-Chair of ITU Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG)

The ITU Council is the highest authority after the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference. Its members are elected at the Plenipotentiary Conference every four years whom only twenty-five per cent of the total number of Member States. The Kingdom has been a member of the Council of the ITU since 1965. The Council discusses and make the necessary decisions on all important topics related to ITU sector work.
ITU Council

Held every three or four years. The function of the WRC is to review and revise the Radio Regulations, where necessary, and the international treaty governing the use of the radio frequency spectrum, stable satellite circuits and non-geostationary satellites. The reviews shall be in accordance with an agenda to be decided by the ITU Council, which takes into account the recommendations of previous World Radiocommunication Conferences.
ITU Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

The International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience was established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in partnership with the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) in November 2024, with the aim of promoting dialogue and collaboration on potential ways and means to improve the resilience of this vital infrastructure that powers global communications and the digital economy.
International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience

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