We empower innovation & digital solutions for a sustainable future

We enable innovative infrastructure to provide reliable services in Saudi Arabia


A pioneer regulator in economies of the future, ensuring
customer protection, enabling robust market growth,
fostering fair competition in Space and digital economy

CST, Saudi Arabia's ICT and Space regulator, focuses on boosting innovation and a sustainable digital future. We aim to foster investment, competition, and user protection, enhancing a holistic service ecosystem and enabling digital technologies for all sectors. This aligns with our vision of a connected, thriving digital economy.

Dr. Mohammed Saud Al-TamimGovernor, Communications,
Space and Technology Commission.

Our Valuess

Our values outline the course of our ambition and reflect trends that inspires us to connect the nation to the future

Empower the Communications, Space and Technology ecosystem to progress towards the national ambition
Promote new technologies and enhance their application
Ensure fairness and equity in all of our dealings
Work with other government entities and sectors towards a thriving Communications, Space and Technology sector


Our Purpose

The Commission was established to regulate and empower the communications & IT sector as it is one of the most prominent sectors which support the development and prosperity of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Notable Numbers in the Kingdom

166 Billion SAR

is the size of the telecommunications
and technology market in the
Kingdom for 2023

First Globally

in the indicator of the number of internet users per thousand
inhabitants, according to the
IMD World Competitiveness
Yearbook 2024 report.

Ranks Second

among G20 countries in the ICT Development Index 2024,
issued by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU).


Background & History

Progressive Regulatory and Technological Shifts

Communications, Space & Technology Commission was established under the name of (Saudi Communications Commission) pursuant to the Council of Ministers Decision No. (74) Dated 5/3/1422H.

The name was changed after the Commission was entrusted with new tasks related to information technology to become (Communications and Information Technology Commission) under the Council of Ministers Decision No. (133) dated 21/5/1424H.

The Commission enjoys the juridical personality and financial independence to achieve its objectives stipulated in the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the Ordinance of th​e the Communications, Space &Technology Commission.

The Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has understood the importance of keeping pace with the huge developments in the field of telecommunications on international level which leads to regulatory changes in the competitive and investment environment of this sector, and how these developments create fundamental changes in the infrastructure and regulation of the telecommunications sector in the Kingdom.

In the light of this attention by the Government, the Royal Decree No. (M/12) dated 12/3/1422H was issued to approve Telecommunications Act and the Ordinance of the Saudi Communications Commission which were issued by The Council of Ministers Decision No. (74) Dated 5/3/1422H.

These legislations aim to face the challenges of the coming stage in the field of telecommunications, and creating a competitive environment based on equity and transparency emerging from it provision of high quality universal telecommunications services at affordable prices, activating the role of the private sector and motivating its investments in that field.

Due to the importance of the role of the Information Technology and its adherence with the successive developments in the telecommunications world, the Commission was entrusted with new tasks related to information technology whereas the Council of Ministers Decision No. (133) dated 21/5/1424H was issued changing the name of the Saudi Communications Commission to become (Communications and Information Technology Commission) and amending the Commission Ordinance to be consistent with the new name and to be added to its tasks stipulated in the Ordinance.

The commission has started to prepare all its bylaws, financials, and administrative laws that govern its activities and has also started to prepare and complete the telecommunications act bylaw and set a plan regarding opening the communication sector for competition in accordance with Council of Ministers Decision No. 171 dated 2/7/1423 H announced to open the communication market for competition and partially release mobile phones during the last quarter of 2004 and landline phones during the first quarter of 2008.

In early 2019, the Cabinet issued a resolution No.(403) on 12/14 / 1440, in which the second section of it states that "the Communications and Information Technology Commission of (CITC) to take responsibility over regulatory and supervisory functions of the postal sector" and thus "CITC becomes the main authority for regulating and monitoring this sector and its market, which is considered one of the strongest global markets that impacts e-commerce industry growth." Ever since, CITC has been working on the governance of postal sector, supervising its market, updating regulations to attract global investments and improving conditions for delivery of services to ensure fairness, transparency and highest level of quality.

According to Cabinet Decree No.705 dated 27/12/2443H, the supervision of the postal sector was transferred from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to the Ministry of Transport and Logistic Services in addition to the latter's responsibilities, in order to achieve the 2030 Kingdom's vision of establishing it as a global logistic hub.

On the 10th of November 2022 the cabinet issued decree No. 235 dated 07/04/1444H in which transferring the space regulatory sectors to the Commission, and change its title to Communications, Space & Technology Commission, recognizing the importance of integration of communications, space and technology.


1418 - 1420 H


1421 - 1422 H


1423 H


1424 -1429 H


1430-1436 H


1440 H


1443 H


1444 H


Building and foundation
Building and foundation
  • Transforming provision of telecom services from the Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone in 1418 H to Saudi Telecom Company.
  • Prepare the commission's bylaws.
1st STAGE1418 - 1420 H
Building and foundation
Developing Reg Framworks
  • Issuing the Telecommunications Act.
  • Establishing the Communications Commission and it enjoying a juridical personality and financial and administrative independence.
2nd STAGE1421 - 1422 H
Building and foundation
Unlocking Possibilities
  • Commencing privatization of the sector and presenting 30% of Saudi Telecom Company for IPO.
  • Expanding the Commission's tasks to include information technology.
  • Issuing VSAT licenses.
3rd STAGE1423 H
Building and foundation
Competitive Environment
  • Freeing and opening the mobile communications market for competition and issuing the 2 licenses (Mobily and Zain).
  • Approving the National Plan for Frequency Spectrum and Numbering.
  • Establishing the Universal Service Fund.
  • Transforming the Internet services to the Commission
  • Providing licenses to internet service providers.
4th STAGE1424 -1429 H
Building and foundation
Organizational Maturity
  • Implementing universal service projects..
  • Issuing new licenses to mobile virtual network operators.
  • Reducing regulatory restrictions and enhancing the competition to lower the prices of services and improve their quality.
5th STAGE1430-1436 H
Building and foundation
Quality of service
  • The Council of Ministers assigned the regulatory and supervisory functions of the postal sector to the Commission.
  • The Council of Ministers approved the national Spectrum plan.
6th STAGE1440 H
Building and foundation
Global logistics hub
  • The supervision of the postal sector was transferred from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to the Ministry of Transport and Logistic Services
7th STAGE1443 H
Building and foundation
Elevating innovation
  • Transferring the space regulatory functions to the Commission, and change its title to Communications, Space & Technology Commission (CST)
8th STAGE1444 H

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