4 Monitoring Date Palms Pest and Disease


Saudi Arabia's global ranking in date exports


Annual date palm tree inspections in Saudi Arabia

USD 542M

Global Addressable Market for Resources Monitoring


Regional Addressable Market for Resources Monitoring

Applicant Information

Company Details*

Turnover 2023*

Contact Details*

Area of Interest*

You can apply to one challenge per submission, if you are interested in other challenges, you must submit another application selecting the other challenge.
Select One*

Participant's Motivation*

What unique value does the company bring to the challenge track owner?
Outline your interest in developing and implementing your solution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Specify the primary goal of the company in participating in the SpaceUp Competition
Select One*

Value Proposition*

Describe the company’s product, the unique value proposition, and the key benefits offered to customers.
Upload File*PDF, Word, PPT (5mb )

Technology and Business Model*

Provide a detailed description of how Space Applications technology is utilized in your solution and explain the foundation of your solution.
Upload File*PDF, Word, PPT (5mb )
Outline the main technical specifications and advantages of your solution, including a comparison to other similar solutions available in the market.
Upload File*PDF, Word, PPT (5mb )
Specify the ideal maturity stage of the technologies that the applicant is seeking.
Provide a detailed explanation of your business model, including the pricing structure and financial framework
Upload File*PDF, Word, PPT (5mb )

General YES or NO questions*

The company is registered as a legal entity and is established in an EU or/and MENA region.
The company provides Space Applications related solutions
Company has a functioning prototype and is placed and sold to clients
The company is ready to establish business relationships with customers in Saudi Arabia


KSA has a growth policy to improve the dates production and export markets

Dates are economically, socially, culturally, and ecologically important in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and around the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries. Dates also play important roles in the history, heritage, and socioeconomic life of the population.

We are looking for innovative solutions that utilize Earth observation data to provide a holistic solution facing pest prevention centers like WEQAA in KSA. Such centers face major issues in logistics, pest detection, response time, database management for inspection and tree counting and other problems which have massive associated costs to them.

Challenge Goals


Use Earth observation and remote-sensing for precision Agriculture


Scale detection and monitoring of date palm trees for stress indicators


Holistic solution that improves the efficiency of pest and disease management in date palms


Reduce the costs of monitoring and detection of pest and disease in the Dates Farming industry

Challenge Deliverables


Identify individual palm trees and potentially provide information about the size, age, height, and type of palm tree


Provide spatial-temporal insights on the patterns of disease spread


Analyze the health status per tree, and classify the likelihood of RPW presence and infestation level


Prediction Service for a defined period of time

Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture

The ministry oversees comprehensive policies for water and food security in Saudi Arabia. It supports agricultural development and service improvement, collaborating with the private sector and relevant entities for sustainable environment, water, and agriculture management.
Applicant Information

Personal Information*

National ID Information (Only for Saudi National)*

Educational Information*
University Name*
Education Level*
Out of*
English Exam Type*

Attachments (.pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg)*
CV*(5 MB)
English Proficiency Certificate*(5 MB)
Graduation Certificate Or Letter from the University*(5 MB)

WEQAA Centre

Weqaya focuses on preventing and controlling the plant pests and animal diseases, and protecting the public health from risks of Zoonotic Diseases between human and animals, and any type of diseases victors.
Applicant Information

Personal Information*

National ID Information (Only for Saudi National)*

Educational Information*
University Name*
Education Level*
Out of*
English Exam Type*

Attachments (.pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg)*
CV*(5 MB)
English Proficiency Certificate*(5 MB)
Graduation Certificate Or Letter from the University*(5 MB)