“Saudi Tech” Membership

For Local Tech Products

About “Saudi Tech” Membership

A unified logo under the Made in Saudi program, aiming to help local tech products and companies to expand their reach and promote their tech products locally and globally, to enhance its credibility.

Main Objectives

The value of local tech products
The position of local tech companies and products locally and globally
The percentage of tech product exports to priority markets
The private sector by providing membership benefits


Membership Benefits

Expand the position of companies that provide local tech products.
Use the “Saudi Tech” logo on tech product.
Engage with partners from various government entities through the program's activities.
Benefit from the knowledge and expertise provided by program partners.
Participate in workshops and international forums to enhance the position of local tech products.
ST 06
Enhance the relationships and status of members with public and private partners through various events.

Beneficiary Categories

Tech to business
Tech products for Business sector (enterprises operating in the information technology and emerging technologies sector, whether locally or globally).
Tech to consumer
The product should belongs to one of the three main categories of the Information Technology and Emerging Technologies sector classification: Software, Hardwar, or Emerging Technologies, such as; Artificial Intelligence products, Internet of Things products, End-user Applications products, Wearables Devices products, and Networking Hardware products.

Step 1

Register the company in "Manassa Tech" Platform

Step 1

Register the company in "Manassa Tech" Platform

Step 2

Adding Tech Product into profile of company at “Manassa Tech” Platform

Step 2

Adding Tech Product into profile of company at “Manassa Tech” Platform

Step 3

Obtain a no-objection letter from "Manassa Tech" Platform

Step 3

Obtain a no-objection letter from "Manassa Tech" Platform

Step 4

Submit a request to obtain a “Saudi Tech” membership in the Made in Saudi Program platform

Step 4

Submit a request to obtain a “Saudi Tech” membership in the Made in Saudi Program platform

Step 5

Study the application-request and issuing the approval to use “Saudi Tech” logo onto tech product

Step 5

Study the application-request and issuing the approval to use “Saudi Tech” logo onto tech product

Registration Requirements
  • The enterprise must have an account in the National Single Sign-On

  • Registration should be made via the National Single Sign-On, accordingly, the enterprise's C.R. should be linked with the ID of the owner or authorized person in its C.R

  • The enterprise must have an active commercial register the enterprise's activity and business should be in the field of IT & ET

  • The product must belong to Information Technology and Emerging Technologies sector classification

  • The enterprise must have proof of localized activities for the product value chain

  • The enterprise must have any type of product intellectual property rights

Register Your Tech Product Now

Frequently Asked Questions

The Made in Saudi program is one of the national initiatives and logistics services, under the supervision of the Saudi Export Development Authority. It aims to support national projects by encouraging local consumers to buy locally produced products, and to encourage Saudi companies to export to priority markets. The Made in Saudi program seeks to enhance the growth and expansion opportunities for companies under a unified industrial identity. This will allow them to expand their national products and promote them locally and globally. In addition to benefiting from government services and incentives, and exchanging experiences with member companies through the program's electronic portal.

There are no fees for issuing a no objection certificate and there are no fees for joining any of the Made in Saudi membership stages.

It is a national platform under the supervision of the Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) to enable and support the IT and ET market, in order to raise the level of transparency in the market, achieve fair competition, develop and develop the sector, in addition to creating a reference guide for establishments operating in the sector. The platform can be accessed through the link.

It is the set of rights that protect human thought and creativity, including copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, industrial models, and layout designs for integrated circuits.

Yes, it is required to submit a document to prove that the company owns any of the intellectual property rights of the product, such as a trademark, copyright, or patent, etc.

This can be done by submitting declarations that there is a team inside Saudi Arabia for the purpose of performing work related to research and innovation to develop the product, or studying customer needs related to the product, designing the product, or manufacturing or developing product and product management activates, etc.

It means the company's activity must belong to one of the economic activities related to ICT in accordance with the National Classification for the Economic Activities (ISIC4), which is all the work or services that the company practices or provides that generate a financial return for it.
The National Classification for the Economic Activities (ISIC4) can be reach through the link.

The product category must belong to the main classification of Information Technology and Emerging Technologies sector (Software, Hardwar, Emerging Technologies). The Guidance document for of Information Technology and Emerging Technologies sector Classification can be viewed through the link.

Contact Us

  • ST03

    Open a ticket through your account on Manassa Tech platform or by email:


  • ST02

    Contact Made in Saudi member service:
